[MPlayer-users] SIGCONT causes fast-forward effect

Pete Nesbitt pete at linux1.ca
Tue Dec 9 06:46:31 CET 2008

On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 06:16:16 +0100
cbreak <cbreak at the-color-black.net> wrote:


> Sounds like a very easy problem. As many already said here, you
> should use -input file=some.fifo for controlling your mplayer. I
> suspect that the reason this didn't work for you was, that you never
> actually created a fifo with mkfifo. I wrote this script a few weeks
> ago to launch mplayer so that it is controllable remotely (via the
> network):
> #!/bin/sh
> PORT=44444
> FIFO=rconmp.fifo
> function tempname
> {
> 	# Generate an unlikely to be used name
> 	dd if=/dev/random bs=16 count=1 | openssl base64 | sed -e
> "s/\///g" - e "s/=//g"
> }
> FIFOFILE=${FIFO}.$(tempname)
> mkfifo ${FIFOFILE}
> nc -kl ${PORT} > ${FIFOFILE} &
> NCPID=$!
> echo pause | mplayer -slave -idle -input file=${FIFOFILE} "$@"
> echo killing nc with PID ${NCPID}
> kill ${NCPID}
> rm ${FIFOFILE}
> For your situation, you only need this:
> #!/bin/sh
> PORT=44444
> FIFO=rconmp.fifo
> mkfifo ${FIFO}
> mplayer -input file=${FIFO} "$@"
> rm ${FIFO}
> (or you set input=file=some.fifo in your .mplayer/config for all  
> mplayer you will ever start. Of course, do not forget to mkfifo it  
> first)
> >

It appears to be a shell issue and not specific to mplayer.

I have it working fine using FIFO outside of the cgi environment.
Likely related to the parent scripts exiting or being rerun. Actually
in the cgi setup, the call works once because I can start music by
sending a playlist via FIFO, then starts, then after that mplayer works
but is no longer listening to the pipe. You can not write to the pipe
via script or cli at that point. So something in my cgi's env is
messing up the pipe.


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