[MPlayer-users] play back 720p video

Andrew Burgess aab at cichlid.com
Sat Sep 27 17:49:59 CEST 2008

On Fri, 26 Sept 2008 12:02:35 -0700, Rashkae <rashkae at tigershaunt.com>  

>> use mencoder to convert to a less taxing format

> Hey Andrew, could you offer a practical example? I would be most  
> grateful.

First, I'm a complete newbie at this.

I can tell you what has been mostly working for me.
For bluray m2ts I've used:

mencoder -quiet "foo.m2ts" -o "foo.720p.avi" -oac copy -of avi -ovc x264  
-vf scale=1280:720 -x264encopts qp=25:nr=100:nocabac:nofast_pskip

or more often I don't scale:

mencoder -quiet "foo.m2ts" -o "foo.1080p.avi" -oac copy -of avi -ovc x264  
-x264encopts qp=20:nr=50:nocabac:nofast_pskip

(I initially tried crf= instead of qf= but this seems to be exactly wrong  
for minimizing skipped frames
because it allows the data rate to increase if the frame requires it so I  
would get good results
until I hit a very complex scene and then things would stutter. We want a  
more constant
cpu load, qp=20 seems give a more constant quality and data rate)

Read the man page for the options I chose. You might want to use a scale  
like 960:540 which is 3/4 of 1280x720, more blur (nr=150), lower quality  

You might also experiment with audio options if your current audio format  
is processor intensive
but it is likely that this a small effect compared to the video.

It's still hugely cut and try as far as I know.


h264 is processor intensive to decode. You might be better of with
xvid or something else. At least the number of options for x264 is small.

Its very very slow. Best to find a complex scene that gives you alot of  
chop it out of the video files and experiment with mencoding it until
you are happy, then reencode the whole movie.

And remember, I barely have a clue

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