[MPlayer-users] Produce 422 format pixels with mencoder for mpeg4-encoding

James Board jpboard2 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 12 17:11:14 CET 2013

>> Okay.  How can I create MPEG-4 AVC files with mencoder?

>-ovc x264enc
>or keep lavc and use
>Actually only the second one in your case, since the first
>has no support for 422.

Okay, I think I understand.  In order to create MPEG4 files with 422
pixel format, I need to install and use the x264 codec.

The libAV MPEG4 codec doesn't support pixels with 422 format
(I'm not saying that's a bug, I just wanted to know if it were possible
or not).

Thanks for clarifying this for me.

Does anyone have an opinion on the quality of MPEG4 video produced
by x264 as compared to libav?  By itself, 422-format pixels are higher 
quality than 420 pixels.  But if the x264 codec itself isn't as good as libav,
then the overall quality might be better with 420-format MPEG4 libAV,
then with 422-format MPEG4 from the x264 codec.  Does anyone know?

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