[MPlayer-users] option to save cache in temporary directory instead of memory

Sezaru sezdocs at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 09:19:22 CET 2013

> That would be a bug in your operating system. It has no reason to treat writing to the swap file significantly different than writing to a normal file.
> That is, unless we are doing something stupid in the cache code MPlayer, I've not double-checked that.

Actually what is happening is just that as mplayer continues to cache
the video (the cache is set to 2gb, so if the video is 2gb large, it
will naturally consume 2gb of RAM), it will eat my RAM, and as
expected, when it have used all my RAM it will start to use swap.

When I talk about the slowdown, is simply because the system will
start to send my other programs to swap so it has enougth RAM to
continue caching the video, as result, any of these programs will
became really slow.

So, if there was a option to cache the video to an temporary file, it
will not consume all my RAM. to be more exact, what I'm trying to do
is having the same behavior as the youtube flash player, that player
caches the video to an temporary file, so with it I can seek foward
and backwards without a problem, and can see a video of, say, 10gb
without a problem.

> 1) Please do not toppost
> 2) Snip what you don't need quoted

Sorry, it's my first time in a mailing list, so I didn't know the best
way to use it.

> This is possible, but not with mplayer. Just use the websites player and play it there.

Well, that's what I'm trying to avoid using mplayer, the flash player,
despite it's security, stability and license problems, it can even
play a 720p video decently in my system..


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