[MPlayer-users] Using the -geometry switch

Alexander Strasser eclipse7 at gmx.net
Sat Aug 18 17:07:46 EEST 2018


On 2018-08-18 05:42 -0700, arthurpeabody wrote:
> 	I want the video to display in the top-right of the screen.
> No setting of -geometry makes any difference; it always displays on
> the bottom-center.  I've tried percentages and numbers.  The display
> mode is xv.

What command lines did you try exactly?

Maybe your window manager overrides the window position?

You could try killing the wm and then try to start MPlayer with
-geometry like you tried before. But be warned it may happen that
you cannot focus the terminal after you killed the wm and therefore
typing in the terminal won't work anymore. In that case you could
try to switch to a different vt and start mplayer from there 
with the correct DISPLAY environment variable set. 

There are many ways things can go south after you kill your wm,
though it worked remarkably well for me in the past.

Though it may just be easier to just temporally switch to another
wm instead.

But first double check your command line before testing the wm.


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