[MPlayer-users] Bad stream state, please report as bug!

Masaru Nomiya nomiya at lake.dti.ne.jp
Mon May 13 09:10:06 EEST 2024


In the Message; 

  Subject    : [MPlayer-users] Bad stream state, please report as bug!
  Message-ID : <202405130508.44D58NhM005999 at enoch.nodomain.nowhere>
  Date & Time: Mon, 13 May 2024 02:08:23 -0300

[MS] == mspencer at tallships.ca (Mike Spencer) has written:

MS>  MPlayer 20210418-10.3.0 (C) 2000-2021 MPlayer Team

Sorry, but your MPlayer is so old that it would be almost impossible
for someone to answer your question.

Best Regards.

┏━━┓彡  Masaru Nomiya                       mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛	"Microsoft is overhauling its cybersecurity strategy, called the
		Secure Future Initiative, to incorporate key security features
		into its core set of technology platforms and cloud services. "
-- Microsoft overhauls cyber strategy to finally embrace security by default --

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