[NUT-devel] Chapters

Oded Shimon ods15 at ods15.dyndns.org
Sat Feb 18 10:15:45 CET 2006

I can't decide a proper way for this... One possibility is this:

Info packet 1: ChapterId=1, TrackTime=3min
Info packet 2: ChapterId=1, TrackTime=4min
Info packet 3: ChapterId=2, TrackTime=3min

But it seems over complicated. I'd like the ability to do this somehow:

Single info packet: Chapters=3min,4min,3min,...

(in case it wasn't obvious, all the "3min" stuff I meant as a vlc rational)

But this can only be done either with parsable strings, or an array of 
vlc's. Parsable string is bad, and the current info setup does not allow 
for an array of vlc's... unless you embed it within a 'vb', which is even 
Maybe Michael had a point in sorting info fields by "age"...

I'd like to not follow the curse of mkv and end up with a container just as 
complicated. :/

This might be a solution:
Single info packet:

And the order they appear in the info packet is the order of the 
chapters... It's nice, but it gives significance to the order of the items 
in the info packet which I am not sure is a good idea. Using 
"TrackLength1", "TrackLength2", ... Is not good cause it's the same idea as 
parsable strings...

Another note: I'd like to disallow info streams in non live streams.. For 
any purpose, info packets and chapters can be used. (It should at least be 
a "SHOULD"...)

- ods15

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