[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120430
burek021 at gmail.com
Tue May 1 02:05:02 CEST 2012
[00:00] <burek> I think I made it
[00:00] <burek> I should write some tutorial not to forget this ever again
[00:00] <burek> :)
[00:12] <burek> is there any significant difference between ffmpeg's internal flac encoder/decoder and libflac?
[00:13] <burek> same question for vorbis
[02:00] <eclaesson> If i aim for the most possible ammount of supported formats/codecs is libavcodec/ffmpeg the way to go or are there other libraries?
[02:00] <burek> +vlc
[02:01] <eclaesson> burek: libVLC?
[02:01] <burek> I haven't used lib, but binary is pretty good and useful
[02:03] <eclaesson> burek: What does VLC have that ffmpeg don't?
[02:03] <burek> that's a good question :)
[02:03] <burek> to be honest, I don't really know, but a lot of things that didn't work on ffmpeg
[02:03] <burek> I just tried on vlc and vice versa
[02:04] <burek> so I always managed to get my jobs done :)
[02:05] <eclaesson> Ok, thanks :)
[02:07] <burek> :beer: :)
[09:17] <elkng> there is an option "-passlogfile PREFIX-N.log, where N is a number specific to the output stream", how N depends on the output stream ?
[09:18] <elkng> if I use "-passlogfile 1111" the file will be generated is: "1111-0.log", if I use "-passlogfile 2222" the file will be generated is: "222-0.log", why is there "0" when it changes ?
[14:11] <Kakadu> I want a sort of audiomixer program to stream both my voice from microphone and music from webbrowser. What should I read/install?
[14:23] <burek> Kakadu, find jack audio
[14:24] <StaRetji1> folks, cam ffserver stream rtmp?
[14:24] <burek> StaRetji1, yes it can
[14:24] <StaRetji1> burek: mate, thx
[14:24] <burek> :beer: :)
[14:25] <StaRetji1> cevapi burek :P
[14:25] <StaRetji1> :)
[14:25] <StaRetji1> hehe, nice nick
[14:25] <burek> to to :)
[14:25] <StaRetji1> burek mate, do you do freelance stuff?
[14:26] <StaRetji1> aka get paid for some work :)
[14:26] <burek> we all do :)
[14:26] <StaRetji1> great
[15:10] <Shimmy> Can I make a preset that will have all my options except for the input/output file names?
[15:11] <Shimmy> Anyone?
[15:21] <Frantic> can ffmpeg re-encode any video that ffprobe can recognize?
[15:21] <burek> Shimmy, I guess you could
[15:21] <burek> but with previous versions of ffmpeg
[15:21] <burek> I'm not sure about newer version because it uses native x264's preset/profile/tune
[15:21] <burek> Frantic, yes
[15:21] <Frantic> burek: thanks
[15:22] <Shimmy> burek, no, I'm talking about the latest version. I want to disregard the input file, I just want to set all the -r -codec -acodec etc. parameters in a file, is this possible?
[15:22] <burek> Shimmy, use a batch file?
[15:23] <Shimmy> i.e. instead of >ffmpeg -i avisample.avi -vtag XVID -vcodec libxvid -s 160x128 -aspect 5:4 -r 1 5 -acodec mp2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k "h:\avi_low.avi"
[15:23] <Shimmy> I should be able to use>ffmpeg -i avisample.avi -pre mypreset.ffpreset "h:\avi_low.avi"
[15:24] <burek> use text editor and create a file like this: ffmpeg -i "$1" -vtag XVID -vcodec libxvid -s 160x128 -aspect 5:4 -r 15 -acodec mp2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k "$2"
[15:24] <burek> then do: chmod +x file
[15:24] <burek> and run it with: ./file avisample.avi h:\avi_low.avi
[15:25] <burek> (if you are on linux)
[15:25] <Shimmy> burek, i see. bottom line, the 'presets' thing of ffmpeg is a different story, do i get it right?
[15:25] <Diogo> hi one question , this is possible to stream a filename to windows media server plataform...and replace widows media encoder by ffmpeg...
[15:25] <burek> Shimmy, -pre is used for video encoder options
[15:25] <burek> because some encoders use really a lot of options
[15:25] <Diogo> thanks to all :D
[15:26] <burek> Diogo, it is possible
[15:26] <Shimmy> burek, ok, i'll do what u said. I'll do it in a different way, cause i'm about to deal with hell of a lot types of "presets". Thanks
[15:26] <burek> Shimmy :beer: :)
[15:26] <burek> Shimmy, just remember if you are on windows
[15:26] <burek> then batch file will look different
[15:26] <Shimmy> I just thought presets in ffmpeg can be used for global options as well.
[15:27] <Shimmy> I am in windows :) but it doesn't matter, i'll create a arguments string from my .NET application
[15:27] <burek> Shimmy, http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Preset-files
[15:27] <Shimmy> I read it. I came here cuz I wasn't sure if what I think it is is not supported.
[15:28] <Shimmy> :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
[15:28] <burek> the options specified in a preset file are applied to the currently selected codec of the same type as the preset option.
[15:28] <burek> :)
[15:28] <Shimmy> Please vote here: http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/40292/ffmpeg
[15:29] <burek> what is SE
[15:30] <zap0> i smell lameness
[15:30] <Shimmy> no, not at all.
[15:30] <Shimmy> have you ever heard about stackoverflow.com?
[15:31] <Shimmy> it's one of the top Q&A websites about computers and programming.
[15:31] <burek> you have ffmpeg wiki, mailing lists and even forums
[15:31] <burek> here is one of the sections in one of the forums, with tutorials, for example: http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewforum.php?f=25
[15:31] <Shimmy> i know about all that, i still think ffmpeg is good enough to deserve a SE website.
[15:32] <burek> well, we will work on it, as soon as people get interested in helping create such a thing
[15:32] <Shimmy> browse a little bit in stackoverflow.com to see how it works, it's different than any forum in the world. im a member in xda, im a member in the ffmpeg forums and msdn and other java forums. im telling you guys this forum is the best structure for Q&A websites. besides it's open-source and free!
[15:33] <Shimmy> So please throw in a vote (follow it), it costs you nothing
[15:33] <burek> well, we know about SO, but there's not much we can do to influence anything on that website
[15:33] <burek> and if you are suggesting we should create a similar website
[15:34] <burek> for ffmpeg related questions only
[15:34] <burek> then, yes, we would be interested, just none of us has so much spare time to do so
[15:36] <Shimmy> u don't need to. it's community driven. What matters is it should just be up and running. and you can do it with simply throwing in you "Follow", so please don't be shy to do it.
[15:37] <burek> Shimmy, type ffmpeg --help and take a look at -fpre
[15:38] <Shimmy> burek, forget it, u made my decision before, i will do it by building the arguments string in my .NET program, i'll check that option anyway.
[15:38] <Shimmy> now go and vote }:)
[15:38] <burek> ok :)
[15:38] <Shimmy> haha
[15:44] <Diogo> burek: can you give a example?
[15:45] <Diogo> i«m using this command ffmpeg -i 4.mp4 -vcodec wmv2 -acodec wmav2 mms://SERVER...
[15:45] <Diogo> but this command dont work...
[15:48] <burek> just a sec
[15:50] <Shimmy> Now I ran into a new issue I'm unable to solve. I have a device that came with a video that works on it. I'm trying to convert a different video to the native file configurations but it doesn't work properly on the device, the video moves in fast motion and ends within a few seconds (instead of 30 seconds)
[15:52] <burek> Diogo, did you try: ffmpeg -i 4.mp4 -vcodec wmv2 -acodec wmav2 -f asf mmsh://SERVER
[15:57] <Shimmy> Now I ran into a new issue I'm unable to solve. I have a device that came with a video that works on it. I'm trying to convert a different video to the native file configurations but it doesn't work properly on the device, the video moves in fast motion and ends within a few seconds (instead of 30 seconds)
[15:57] <Shimmy> Here is what I've tried: http://pastebin.com/fCKTiqBQ
[15:57] <Diogo> HTTP error 500 Internal Server Error...
[15:59] <burek> Diogo, then you need to use some windows media server
[15:59] <burek> that will stream mms streams
[16:00] <burek> and feed it with ffmpeg, using some other method, like udp, rtmp, http
[16:01] <burek> Shimmy, use mediainfo
[16:01] <burek> and ffprobe
[16:01] <burek> to get the exact video encoding params
[16:01] <burek> and produce an identically encoded file
[16:05] <Shimmy> burek, 1) what's media info? 2) can i use ffprobe to produce a line of arguments instead of human-readable info?
[16:06] <Shimmy> BTW, I posted my question here: http://ffmpeg-users.933282.n4.nabble.com/Converted-video-runs-on-device-in-fast-motion-td4598300.html
[16:06] <burek> Shimmy, 1) it's mediainfo, not "media info" and it's a tool like ffmpeg, 2) no you can't
[16:07] <Shimmy> burek, so as u can see i've used all i can, to make them match.
[16:07] <Shimmy> The only thing missing however if you look at the code,
[16:07] <burek> btw your original
[16:07] <burek> was created using MEncoder
[16:07] <burek> (read the metadata in the original file)
[16:07] <burek> and join #mencoder
[16:07] <burek> and ask there
[16:07] <burek> for exact params
[16:08] <Shimmy> i dont want to use MEncoder.
[16:08] <Shimmy> I wanna use FFmpeg.
[16:08] <Shimmy> isn't that possible?
[16:08] <Shimmy> I think if we can find the missing "SAR 65536:65535 DAR 16384:13107" we can set it up
[16:08] <Shimmy> im sure ffmpeg can do at least what mencoder can
[16:09] <Shimmy> check it out http://pastebin.com/fCKTiqBQ
[16:09] <burek> Shimmy, ask mencoder guys
[16:09] <burek> which params they used
[16:09] <burek> to encode the video
[16:09] <burek> and if they can tell you all the params
[16:09] <burek> which you'll use to create exact ffmpeg command
[16:10] <Diogo> burek: http://pastebin.com/xeuZuXcr
[16:12] <Diogo> i tested with mms:// or http:// and don't work too..
[16:12] <burek> Diogo, sadly mmsh is just an input protocol
[16:13] <burek> i didn't see very well sorry
[16:13] <Diogo> to streaming this is possible?
[16:13] <burek> you'll need to use some specific windows media server to stream mms streams, instead of ffmpeg and you can feed the input of that server with ffmpeg, using some other method, like udp, rtmp, http, flv
[16:14] <burek> ffmpeg -i ... -acodec .. -vcodec .. -f mpegts - | windows_streaming_server.exe - -option1 -option2 ...
[16:14] <burek> something like that
[16:16] <Shimmy> burek, i'm on mplayer's irc, it's dead jim, can you think of a way that can solve my problem?
[16:17] <burek> well, you can google for mpeg4 irc channel
[16:17] <burek> and join there and ask for specific options for encoder
[16:18] <APoulos> Hi all
[16:19] <APoulos> perhaps I could have some help with some ffmpeg syntax?
[16:19] <APoulos> beyond what the man pages do
[16:19] <burek> APoulos, go ahead, what's the problem
[16:19] <APoulos> burek: well, you see, I have this mkv file I want converted to an mp4 container
[16:20] <APoulos> burek: I would like to some how keep the video quality but lower the file size some how
[16:20] <APoulos> burek: so in a sense, retain some of the quality
[16:20] <APoulos> burek: but also, not make the file a grueling 4GB
[16:20] <APoulos> burek: perhaps you could help me?
[16:21] <APoulos> burek: but before that, I need some help with compiling the latest ffmpeg via Ubuntu 12.40
[16:21] <APoulos> 12.04*
[16:22] <APoulos> Ive never used the git command before, until now, - I used - git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg
[16:22] <APoulos> so I'm assuming that made a directory in my Home folder.
[16:22] <APoulos> correct?
[16:23] <burek> well, you'll need a basic understanding of 2-pass encoding
[16:23] <burek> to be able to encode the video perfectly
[16:23] <burek> within the specified file size
[16:23] <burek> also, to compile ffmpeg
[16:23] <APoulos> burek: I've encoded videos before, just never through cli
[16:23] <burek> all you need is to get the sources of the encoding library
[16:23] <burek> (what's the video inside mkv container)
[16:24] <APoulos> burek: well... let me take a look or are you asking the name of the video?
[16:24] <APoulos> the codec or the video?
[16:25] <burek> do you have ffmpeg installed
[16:25] <burek> if not try just apt-get install ffmpeg
[16:25] <burek> just so you have it for the first-hand
[16:25] <APoulos> burek: I have the older version installed
[16:25] <APoulos> burek: let me check the version really quick
[16:25] <APoulos> burek: ffmpeg version 0.8.1-4:0.8.1-0ubuntu1
[16:26] <burek> then type: ffmpeg -i file.mkv
[16:26] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[16:26] <APoulos> burek: the file codec is x264 - which I got from the medibuntu repo
[16:28] <burek> ok
[16:28] <burek> then apt-get install libx264-dev
[16:28] <burek> or git clone it from videolan website
[16:28] <burek> and compile/make/make install
[16:28] <APoulos> link?
[16:29] <APoulos> burek: gosh I love the git command now
[16:29] <APoulos> :)
[16:30] <APoulos> burek: ive not used the git command much, apologies on my noobish remark
[16:30] <APoulos> alright
[16:30] <burek> :)
[16:31] <burek> just compile x264, make and make install
[16:31] <burek> then compile ffmpeg with: ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-libx264
[16:31] <burek> make and make install
[16:31] <APoulos> burek: alright, now, the makefile is already there
[16:32] <APoulos> burek: so would I just go ahead and configure - sudo make install?
[16:32] <APoulos> burek: ive only installed a few tarballs
[16:33] <APoulos> burek: do I need yasm? or is it recommended I don't use it?
[16:36] <APoulos> burek: alright, nevermind theres an autogen file
[16:37] <burek> APoulos, just apt-get install yasm-dev
[16:37] <burek> or something
[16:39] <APoulos> burek: alright, its running the make
[16:43] <APoulos> burek: http://pastebin.com/aT9YhahZ - this is the output of the make install command, does this mean it completed without errors?
[16:43] <APoulos> burek: I've never installed a lib file from tar before. thats why I ask.
[16:44] <APoulos> burek: programs, yes, libs, no
[16:45] <burek> APoulos, it's ok
[16:45] <burek> type sudo ldconfig
[16:45] <burek> and then go compile ffmpeg
[16:46] <APoulos> compiling
[16:47] <APoulos> burek: ....er.. Error libx264 not found?
[16:48] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[16:48] <burek> (of config.log)
[16:51] <shevy> hi. is it possible to split audio and video from a .flv file in one go ? or do I have to use two commands
[16:51] <APoulos> burek: http://pastebin.com/GcU08Nrv
[16:52] <APoulos> config.log
[16:52] <burek> shevy: ffmpeg -i input.flv -vn -acodec copy audio.flv -an -vcodec copy video.flv
[16:53] <APoulos> burek: here's my commandline output: http://pastebin.com/ZTezyZqw
[16:53] <shevy> oh cool, that simplifies my current solution quite, thanks burek!
[16:53] <burek> APoulos, it seems like you didn't install libx264
[16:54] <APoulos> burek: where did I go wrong?
[16:54] <APoulos> burek: what did I miss?
[16:55] <burek> APoulos, http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=36
[16:55] <burek> and http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=14
[16:56] <APoulos> burek: ....
[16:57] <APoulos> I preformed that
[16:57] <APoulos> I believe I did
[16:57] <APoulos> shall I go back to the x264 dir and redo it?
[16:58] <burek> I would suggest you do so
[16:58] <burek> try first with make uninstall
[16:58] <burek> make distclean
[16:58] <burek> and then repeat
[16:59] <APoulos> burek: distclean: command not found
[16:59] <burek> make distclean
[17:00] <APoulos> burek: repeat the WHOLE make file? or just make install?
[17:01] <burek> whole
[17:01] <burek> read that topic
[17:02] <APoulos> *picard facepalm*
[17:02] <APoulos> burek: did you make that topic just for me mate?
[17:04] <burek> :D
[17:05] <APoulos> burek: you're a nice fellow :)
[17:05] <APoulos> burek: alright, so its making - again
[17:06] <burek> ok :)
[17:07] <APoulos> burek: winner winner chicken dinner: http://pastebin.com/mPU7QQEf
[17:07] <APoulos> looks like it installed more this time than last time
[17:08] <APoulos> burek: alright, SO NOW we compile ffmpeg?
[17:08] <APoulos> burek: should I distclean that one too?
[17:09] <burek> well, if you did start make for ffmpeg
[17:09] <burek> then yes
[17:09] <burek> make uninstall
[17:09] <burek> then make distclean
[17:09] <burek> and read the forum post :)
[17:09] <shevy> he may forget one of those steps :D
[17:09] <burek> :D
[17:11] <APoulos> burek: http://pastebin.com/Sa14WS4z
[17:11] <APoulos> looks like im safe
[17:11] <burek> yes
[17:11] <burek> now read the post and do it step-by-step
[17:11] <burek> and you should be fine
[17:12] <APoulos> which post?
[17:12] <APoulos> you mean the scrollback?
[17:12] <burek> http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=14
[17:12] <burek> that one
[17:14] <APoulos> hey shevy! the sad part of that, is its true :D
[17:15] <Shimmy> burek, i tried reaching the mplayer guys buy they're all dead
[17:15] <Shimmy> Can you please help me?
[17:15] <Shimmy> http://ffmpeg-users.933282.n4.nabble.com/Converted-video-runs-on-device-in-fast-motion-td4598300.html
[17:16] <shevy> hehe they are dead?
[17:17] <Shimmy> oh yeah, big time, ive been in theri IRC for over an hour and no peep is heard
[17:17] <Shimmy> btw im reminding you guys to follow this http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/40292/ffmpeg
[17:17] <Shimmy> burek, u didn't follow it!
[17:17] <burek> Shimmy, try ffmpeg -i native.avi -sameq -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec mp2 out.avi
[17:18] <APoulos> burek: im getting a few warning flags. is that normal?
[17:18] <burek> APoulos, totally :)
[17:19] <Shimmy> burek, what is different, the sameq?
[17:19] <APoulos> burek: lolololol alrighty
[17:19] <burek> Shimmy, you want to encode your input with the same quality right?
[17:19] <manitpaulose> Hi All, i ran an ffmeg command http://pastebin.com/ty4H4G63
[17:20] <Shimmy> burek, will try it out
[17:20] <manitpaulose> as a normal user and i get the output http://pastebin.com/SvT1JUT1
[17:20] <manitpaulose> but if i run the command us root. there is no error
[17:21] <burek> manitpaulose, can you provide full output
[17:21] <burek> not just cut
[17:21] <manitpaulose> sure
[17:22] <burek> also, those 2 commands are not the same
[17:22] <burek> so I don't see the point of your question
[17:24] <manitpaulose> the output when i run as root user is http://pastebin.com/VDw5gNy0
[17:24] <manitpaulose> when as normal user http://pastebin.com/SvT1JUT1
[17:25] <manitpaulose> sorry , the command is http://pastebin.com/zVFK0s3s
[17:26] <APoulos> oh btw, burek im wanting to convert one of my personal favorites over from Bluray :) A Clockwork Orange :)
[17:27] <APoulos> burek: good old classic :)
[17:28] <Shimmy> burek, doesn't work. when converting using your line, the file doesn't open at all on the device, when combining -sameq with my attempt (as in http://pastebin.com/fCKTiqBQ), it doesn't help, and the video is in super fast motion
[17:29] <burek> manitpaulose, your ffmpeg preset files
[17:29] <burek> are not accessible by normal user
[17:29] <burek> that's the problem
[17:30] <burek> Shimmy, you need mpeg4 expert for that..
[17:30] <burek> sorry
[17:32] <Shimmy> :-(
[17:32] <Shimmy> At least can you please direct me where those experts can be found at?
[17:32] <eviljames> MPEG-LA ;)
[17:32] <Shimmy> And don't for get TO VOTE ALREADY: http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/40292/ffmpeg
[17:33] <burek> Shimmy, ok, I can't now, I'm working man..
[17:33] <burek> I'll do it later
[17:34] <Shimmy> rock it on mate, thanks for your help today!
[17:35] <burek> :beer: :)
[17:40] <APoulos> burek: after cutting out a bible and a half of the command line output - id say it was all successful - take a look? http://pastebin.com/XHjimU1D
[17:41] <burek> APoulos, it's installed now
[17:41] <burek> now, what do you want to do
[17:42] <APoulos> burek: call it a night and go to bed and then continue this tomorrow
[17:42] <APoulos> :)
[17:43] <burek> ok :)
[17:43] <APoulos> burek: is there another way I can contact you about further syntax?
[17:44] <APoulos> burek: like maybe is the forums?
[17:44] <burek> APoulos, if you just want to remux
[17:44] <burek> (change container)
[17:44] <burek> then you need this
[17:44] <burek> ffmpeg -i input.mkv -acodec copy -vcodec copy -scodec copy out.flv
[17:44] <burek> ffmpeg -i input.mkv -acodec copy -vcodec copy -scodec copy out.mp4
[17:44] <APoulos> woah.... not flv
[17:44] <APoulos> there we go
[17:44] <APoulos> :)
[17:44] <burek> yes
[17:44] <burek> that's it
[17:44] <burek> but
[17:45] <burek> if you want to reencode video
[17:45] <burek> to be h264
[17:45] <burek> then
[17:45] <burek> ffmpeg -i input.mkv -acodec copy -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -scodec copy out.mp4
[17:45] <APoulos> burek: actually here; I'll pastebin the mediainfo of it
[17:45] <burek> ok
[17:46] <APoulos> burek: here you go: http://pastebin.com/tTB7Mh8S
[17:47] <manitpaulose> @burek, This is the output of the ls -l command where ffmpeg presets are present
[17:47] <manitpaulose> http://pastebin.com/61bhBEJL
[17:48] <burek> APoulos, your video is already h264
[17:48] <burek> so -vcodec copy will be enough
[17:49] <APoulos> burek: how would I lower the size to make sure I dont get any issues with copying over to FAT32?
[17:50] <burek> manitpaulose, try using normal user
[17:50] <burek> and see if you can access any of those files
[17:51] <manitpaulose> okey
[17:51] <burek> APoulos, you'd have to reencode
[17:51] <burek> -vcodec libx264 -b 800k
[17:51] <APoulos> burek: burek, basically I would like you to teach me ... how to be the .... ULTIMATE ENCODER
[17:51] <APoulos> :)
[17:51] <burek> that would give you a decent file decrease
[17:51] <burek> :D
[17:51] <burek> hang around with us here, and eventually you will learn :)
[17:52] <APoulos> burek: thank you good sir, I'll be back in probably a good 6-7 hours
[17:52] <APoulos> sleep schedule is out of whack
[17:52] <manitpaulose> @burek, yes i am able to get the same output as http://pastebin.com/61bhBEJL
[17:53] <Southern> hi guys
[17:53] <burek> APoulos, have a good night :)
[17:53] <burek> manitpaulose, then ffmpeg must have read presets from user home dir
[17:53] <burek> or something
[17:53] <burek> and it doesn't find it there
[17:54] <APoulos> burek: take care burek - thanks for all the help
[17:54] <burek> :beer: :)
[17:55] <manitpaulose> shall i give the full path with -vpre like this
[17:55] <manitpaulose> "-apre /usr/share/ffmpeg/libx264-medium.ffpreset"
[17:56] <manitpaulose> will it work?
[17:56] <manitpaulose> vpre*
[17:57] <burek> try it
[17:59] <manitpaulose> full has also given the same output with error "File for preset '/usr/share/ffmpeg/libx264-medium.ffpreset' not found"
[18:00] <burek> %HOME%\.ffmpeg
[18:00] <burek> create that dir
[18:00] <burek> /home/user/ffmpeg
[18:00] <burek> and copy presets from /usr/share/ffmpeg
[18:00] <burek> oh, it's /home/user/.ffmpeg
[18:00] <burek> with the dot
[18:00] <manitpaulose> okey
[18:02] <burek> or ln -s /usr/share/ffmpeg /home/user/.ffmpeg
[18:02] <burek> which will create .ffmpeg symlink to the original folder
[18:04] <manitpaulose> wow that issue has been resolved. Thanks Burek
[18:05] <burek> :beer: :)
[18:05] <manitpaulose> but i am getting another error x264 [error]: malloc of size 2019840 failed
[18:05] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[18:05] <manitpaulose> sure
[18:06] <manitpaulose> There output is http://pastebin.com/ugcuRmcX
[18:07] <burek> oh
[18:07] <burek> your ffmpeg is old
[18:07] <burek> FFmpeg version SVN-r26402
[18:07] <burek> svn is deprecated a long time ago
[18:07] <burek> either use git or apt-get install
[18:08] <manitpaulose> ohh k
[18:08] <manitpaulose> thanks burek :)
[18:08] <burek> np :)
[18:08] <manitpaulose> have a nice day
[19:26] <Test> Hey, I just found out that a large streaming company, TwitchTV, is using libffmpeg.so in their Android application. Are they forced to release the source code publicly, since ffmpeg is protected by GNU?
[19:34] <ShadowJK> ffmpeg can, with some components removed, be used under LGPL license, which does not require them to release source code of their app
[19:45] <Test> ShadowJK: okey, thanks for the answer
[20:54] <ckb> how do I install 0.10.2 on ubuntu?
[20:55] <ckb> anyone?
[20:57] <shevy> ckb I suppose you must ask on ubuntu
[20:57] <ckb> ?
[20:57] <shevy> they provide packages after all
[20:58] <aphid> ckb - did you see the link in the topic?
[20:58] <shevy> Anyone happens to know why this ffmpeg command does not work as I intent it to work? "ffmpeg -i foo.flv -ss 01:40:00 -t 00:00:18 -vcodec copy out.flv"
[20:59] <shevy> I want to copy 18 seconds from a video (that has no audio), into a new video
[21:00] <shevy> hmm
[21:00] <shevy> seems to work when I put -i at a later time and also specify -y
[21:27] <nbettenh> Is there a way to convert a remote rtsp stream to a local rtmp stream using ffmpeg?
[21:47] <shevybear> hmm when I have... foo.flv bar.mp4 ... both only video files (no audio), how to join these two?
[21:49] <sacarasc> If you're very lucky, the moon aligns with Pluto and you were born with a 4 leaf clover in your mouth... ffmpeg -i concat:foo.flv\|bar.mp4 <output options> output.mkv
[21:51] <shevybear> I feel very unlucky :(
[21:56] <sacarasc> Also, the files have to be the same codecs, resolutions, etc.
[21:56] <sacarasc> And I don't think it works at all with MP4s...
[21:57] <shevybear> yeah... they are all in h264 but all in different resolution and even frame rate
[21:58] <shevybear> not really sure what to do in such a case. the quality I don't mind at all. should I transcode them into some other format perhaps and specify some resolution?
[21:58] <sacarasc> That's probably for the best, yeah.
[22:20] <Freakshow> is acopy still a valid command?
[22:20] <Freakshow> sorry... -acodec copy
[22:20] <Freakshow> or is it now -c:a copy
[22:23] <oriba> I want to do a screencast of a browser window but the performance of my computer is too low to get the required framerate.
[22:24] <oriba> What is the fastest video encoder?
[22:24] <oriba> or can the data be written unencoded to disk, and the single screenshots later be encoded to video file?
[22:25] <juanmabc> oriba: raw?
[22:26] <oriba> -vcodec raw ??
[22:27] <oriba> hmhh I get "unknown encoder raw"
[22:27] <oriba> maybe wrong syntax
[22:43] <burek> oriba, rawvideo
[22:44] <burek> your hard disk need to be fast enough to write big amount of data during the recording
[22:44] <burek> needs*
[22:44] <burek> Freakshow, both are supported
[22:44] <burek> i.e. equivalent
[22:45] <Freakshow> thanks burek
[22:51] <burek> :beer: :)
[22:53] <Freakshow> well played sir... well played
[23:54] <shevybear> hmm
[23:54] <shevybear> still fiddling with those videos
[23:54] <shevybear> when you have 3 different videos, with different size rations and resolution...
[23:54] <shevybear> is there some way to calculcate which resolution I should use? or ... should I just use the smallest resolution
[23:55] <shevybear> I got ... one with 640x480 ... one with 1280x720 ... and the last one has 320x240
[00:00] --- Tue May 1 2012
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