[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20161114

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 03:05:01 EET 2016

[01:13:29 CET] <utack_> does ffmpeg use dithering when coverting video to gif?
[01:22:22 CET] <furq> utack_: yes but it's pretty basic iirc
[01:22:31 CET] <furq> you'll probably get better results with something like gifsicle
[01:22:37 CET] <utack_> ok thanks
[01:42:07 CET] <c_14> utack_: If you're planning on creating decent quality gifs with ffmpeg I highly recommend reading through http://blog.pkh.me/p/21-high-quality-gif-with-ffmpeg.html
[01:42:31 CET] <c_14> And ffmpeg supports several methods of dithering gifs through the paletteuse filter
[01:43:00 CET] <utack_> thanks
[03:34:02 CET] <superguest> Hi!
[03:34:03 CET] <superguest> http://codepad.org/zngEAjyh
[03:34:22 CET] <superguest> I found the commandline from http://superuser.com/questions/1032643/overlay-video-with-video-time-and-or-combining-images-to-video
[03:34:29 CET] <superguest> which is what I want to achieve.
[03:34:43 CET] <superguest> burn in timecode
[04:55:59 CET] <dl2s4> superguest, ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf "drawtext=fontfile=DejaVuSansMono.ttf: text='%{pts \\: hms}': x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-(2*lh): fontcolor=red: fontsize=25: box=1: boxcolor=0x00000099" -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -c:a copy output.mkv
[04:56:07 CET] <dl2s4> works for me
[05:48:16 CET] <superguest> hey dl2s4
[05:48:53 CET] <superguest> dl2s4, do you not have to specify the path to the "DejaVuSansMono.ttf"?
[06:10:10 CET] <superguest> dl2s4 yours indeed work.  but I would still like to know whether you actually need to specify the fullpath to "DejaVusansMono.ttf"
[06:12:55 CET] <dl2s4> does not looks like it. i dont even have DejaVuSansMono.ttf ffmpeg picks /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf instead
[06:15:39 CET] <superguest> ffmpeg is very advanced.
[06:16:20 CET] <superguest> it makes extensive use of the hw compatibilties.
[06:22:30 CET] <dl2s4> actually i dont need to set any fontfile. "FFmpeg -i input.mkv -vf "drawtext=fontfile: text='timecode\:%{pts \\: hms}': fontcolor=white: fontsize=25: box=1: boxcolor=black" -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -c:a copy output.mkv" still works
[06:24:43 CET] <dl2s4> but i guess you would need to set full path if you want a specific font
[06:26:08 CET] <superguest> dl2s4  if you could tell me what I need to get it to do countdown timecode instead, that would really make my day :-)
[06:45:48 CET] <superguest> dl2s4, still with me? :-)
[06:47:50 CET] <dl2s4> yaah still fiddle around
[06:48:15 CET] <dl2s4> have a look at this maybe http://video.stackexchange.com/questions/15556/ffmpeg-video-with-timer
[07:00:09 CET] <dl2s4> superdump, "ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf "drawtext=fontfile=: text='%{eif\:53-t\:d}': fontcolor=white: fontsize=25: box=1: boxcolor=black" -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -c:a copy coutput.mkv" works if your video is 53 sconds. and it only shows seconds so it isnt perfect
[07:01:15 CET] <dl2s4> sorry i mean superguest
[07:02:48 CET] <dl2s4> i am tired now, but it was interesting, maybe i tomorrow.. i just do hit and error ;)
[07:03:10 CET] <superguest> dl2s4 okay.
[07:03:15 CET] <superguest> goodnight dl2s4
[07:38:58 CET] <t4nk206> Hi,guys
[07:39:06 CET] <t4nk206> pCodec=avcodec_find_decoder(codec_id);
[07:39:27 CET] <t4nk206> I had a problem in this function,always return NULL
[07:39:57 CET] <t4nk206> can anyone help me with that?
[12:10:31 CET] <kerio> how do i read a raw ffvhuff bitstream?
[13:14:01 CET] <bagbag> hi, how can i specifiy the first audio stream which is english. I thought about something like -map 0:a:m:language:eng:0, but it doesn't work
[14:20:15 CET] <JonG> am using the FFmpeg drawtext filter tooverlay a name on a video (e.g. "TEST „d"). The name can have any utf-8 characters in it. I have a custom font I have specified. The font only contains commonly used English characters. It seems that FFmpeg ignores characters not present in the ttf file. When used on the web or elsewhere, I guess the character
[14:20:15 CET] <JonG> from my font is used if it exists in the ttf. Otherwise a default font is used. Is this possible in FFmpeg? Or do I need to create a custom ttf with that content?
[14:20:26 CET] <JonG> I am**
[14:20:32 CET] <JonG> http://pastebin.com/qHNsZTvP
[14:24:37 CET] <furq> JonG: that's done by fontconfig on *nix, so if that works at all in ffmpeg then i assume you'll need a build with fontconfig support
[14:43:14 CET] <bencoh> hmmm iirc (at least one of the) text filters in ffmpeg has support for utf8 input
[14:43:41 CET] <bencoh> I remember reading libavfilter code messing with utf8 stuff and freetype
[14:43:51 CET] <furq> bencoh: the issue is that the font he's using doesn't have the glyphs and it's not falling back to another font
[14:44:14 CET] <bencoh> ah
[14:44:22 CET] <furq> fontconfig can do that but i don't know whether ffmpeg supports it
[14:44:25 CET] <bencoh> dunno about the fallback mechanism
[14:57:58 CET] <JonG> Thanks guys. I am compiling with --enable-fontconfig now and looking into the options. I wonder if it might just be easier to copy and paste a font together that does what I need though.
[16:05:38 CET] <antiPoP> Hi
[16:06:19 CET] <antiPoP> Can I make thumbnails of a determinate size without resizing the video first?
[16:09:29 CET] <Bombo> antiPoP: i don't know, did you try it? adding scale filter when doing the tn?
[16:25:35 CET] <antiPoP> Bombo, yes, that can be done, but I was wondering if you can generate thumbnails without resizing te video first, as what I ave found is https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14551102/with-ffmpeg-create-thumbnails-proportional-to-the-videos-ratio
[16:35:47 CET] <Corun> Hi. I have a program that generates frames that I'd like to output to a video. I've been looking at various examples, and trying to find documentation. But I'm pretty confused on a few things.
[16:35:49 CET] <Corun> Particularly: Once Ive found a codec, should I set the codecs fields like bitrate, width/height etc? Then there are other fields in AVCodecContext like time_base. But I only have an AVCodecContext once Ive made the AVStream. And it looks like Im not supposed to set things in the streams underlying codec context anyway. I note that the stream *also* has time_base. But I dont think Im supposed to set that either. May
[16:36:04 CET] <Corun> ite_header?, but at this point Im so lost that I thought Id ask. Or maybe is there a current example of how to just write a video? Theres muxing.c which uses stream.codec which is deprecated, and theres decoding_encoding.c which doesnt use avformat.
[16:41:20 CET] <Bombo> antiPoP: does that resize the video? i thought it would just resize the output, which is here an image... you could not resize anything, and use imagemagick afterwards to resize the tn ;)
[16:42:09 CET] <antiPoP> antiPoP, I haven't checked , but seems that resizes the video, then generates thumbs
[16:48:34 CET] <Bombo> antiPoP: the entire video? or just one frame?
[16:48:57 CET] <antiPoP> Bombo, the entire video, check the link
[16:53:12 CET] <Corun> Hmm, worked it out. May have been reading an old muxing.c
[16:53:34 CET] <Bombo> antiPoP: are you sure? did you see the '-vframes 1'?
[16:54:54 CET] <antiPoP> Bombo, sorry the link was https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35912335/how-to-extract-a-fixed-number-of-frames-with-ffmpeg/35913395#35913395
[16:56:07 CET] <antiPoP> Bombo,  what I need is https://stackoverflow.com/a/35913395 , but with a fixed thumbnail size
[17:02:39 CET] <Bombo> antiPoP: how about adding scale= to the thumbnail filter?
[17:09:11 CET] <antiPoP> Bombo, ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf thumbnail=300,setpts=N/TB,scale=-2:480 -r 1 -vframes 50 inputframes%03d.png
[17:19:46 CET] <Bombo> antiPoP: you think that means 'take one frame each 300 frames until we got 50 thumbnails'
[17:20:09 CET] <antiPoP> yes, that seems to work
[17:21:37 CET] <Bombo> hm i tried it, i got 50x the same frame
[17:27:23 CET] <antiPoP> Bombo, works for me
[17:27:51 CET] <antiPoP> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf thumbnail=300,setpts=N/TB,scale=-2:90 -r 1 -vframes 50 inputframes%03d.png
[17:30:16 CET] <JonG> If FFmpeg exits with an error code 9, and no other messages, what does that mean? Device ran out of memory maybe? http://pastebin.com/znFKSuBX
[17:33:06 CET] <microchip_> JonG: yes, most likely http://people.cs.pitt.edu/~alanjawi/cs449/code/shell/UnixSignals.htm
[17:35:54 CET] <Bombo> antiPoP: i see, the -r 1 is important, that was missing, works now ;)
[17:36:21 CET] <antiPoP> Bombo, great, what does -r 1 does?
[17:37:16 CET] <Bombo> antiPoP: sets the frame rate
[17:37:36 CET] <antiPoP> ok
[17:37:49 CET] <antiPoP> tnx for the help
[17:38:16 CET] <Bombo> thx too, i didn't know that this was possible, useful feature ;)
[18:10:54 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> hi all
[18:11:27 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> im trying to record screen and mic using x11grab and alsa but keep get alsa xrun erros
[18:12:10 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> if i record the audio and video seperately i dont get the xrun errors but the video is 10 miutes shorter thn the video
[18:13:25 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> tried several diffent combinations of codecs but i always get alsa xruns, tried increasing the tread queue size but that doesnt work either
[18:16:35 CET] <debianuser> NapoleonWils0n: What's the ffmpeg command you're using?
[18:17:24 CET] <debianuser> It's just alsa xrun usually means that application is processing the buffer slower than alsa's driver/hardware is filling it, i.e. that app is too slow. Maybe you just don't have enough CPU power? Try some faster encoder, something like: `ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 15 -s 320x240 -i :0 -f alsa -ac 2 -ar 48000 -i default -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -acodec libvorbis somefile.mkv`
[18:17:55 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> these are the commands im using: https://github.com/NapoleonWils0n/cerberus/blob/master/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-aac-screen-recording.sh
[18:18:33 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> but im using hw:1 external usb mic
[18:20:21 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> also tried uncompressed video as well
[18:22:51 CET] <debianuser> uncompressed video write speed may be limited by your hdd, some fast compression should usually be better. Try my command above :)
[18:23:06 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> im just about to give a go cheers mate
[18:24:49 CET] <debianuser> (for alsa it's usually better to use card names instead of numbers, e.g. "hw:CardNameHere,0" instead of "hw:0,0", as card numbers may change on reboot, names usually don't change. You can see card names in `cat /proc/asound/cards` and `aplay -l` or `arecord -l` output)
[18:25:22 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> cheers got an xrun but im recording 1366x768 at 30 frames
[18:27:10 CET] <debianuser> I mean it was just a test. :) Try recording 320x240 at 15 fps and see if you get an xrun. I understand that top left 320x240 square of your screen is not too useful, but it's a test to check if you get xruns with that setup or not. :)
[18:27:38 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> yes ill give that a shot, im actually running debian jessie
[18:29:05 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> i get thread message blocking for both audio and video, current value 8 but no xruns
[18:29:56 CET] <debianuser> "xrun" ("buffer overrun" or "buffer underrun") itself is not a bad thing, it's just a warning, any alsa application must be able to recover from it automatically. Also it should not be a problem if it happens just once when ffmpeg starts. But if xrun happens many times during recording - you may hear it as slight click, and it may also cause you video/audio desync.
[18:30:37 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> kept getting xruns after 30 seconds and the audio would cut out completly
[18:32:28 CET] <debianuser> Can you copy full command you used and its output to some pastebin?
[18:33:00 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> these are the commands i have used to record over 100 videos on arch linux
[18:33:02 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> https://github.com/NapoleonWils0n/cerberus/blob/master/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-aac-screen-recording.sh
[18:34:00 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> im using debian and not arch and using external usb mic because interal mic has died
[18:35:34 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> i have exactly the same set up on debian as arch, so a bit baffled
[18:35:52 CET] <debianuser> Ah, I probably misunderstand you then. :) Were you still getting xruns with `ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 15 -s 320x240 -i :0 -f alsa -ac 2 -ar 48000 -i default -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -acodec libvorbis somefile.mkv` ?
[18:36:30 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> no xruns with that command just error about thread queue size on audio and video
[18:36:51 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> using a mac air running debian with 4 gig of ram
[18:37:08 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> so by default 8 threads
[18:37:39 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> if i record the audio and video seperatly no xrun errors but video is 10 mins shorter than the video
[18:38:30 CET] <debianuser> Does the file encoded with that command looks good? (except being small and not too useful) I mean can you see an expected 320x240 video and hear the audio if you play that "somefile.mkv" recorded with that command?
[18:41:19 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> yes that works perfectly
[18:41:54 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> increasing screen size to 1366x768 and frame rate 15
[18:44:00 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> no errors at 1366x768 15 frames
[18:46:49 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> 25 frames works but 30 frames causes xruns
[18:47:15 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> so 1366x768 25 frames with your command works
[18:54:45 CET] <NapoleonWils0n> but as soon as i open chrome and some webpages i get alsa xruns at 25 frames
[19:54:34 CET] <guille> Hello
[19:55:23 CET] <guille> i need some help with ffmpeg compilation options, can someone help me ?
[20:04:14 CET] <kurufu> what kind of help with ffmpeg compilation options?
[20:07:41 CET] <guille> hello kurufu
[20:07:53 CET] <guille> im trying compiling ffmpeg
[20:08:04 CET] <guille> and i need two filters, "drawtext" and "drawbox"
[20:10:34 CET] <durandal_1707> drawbox is free, drawtext needs fontconfig Iirc it's documented
[20:11:25 CET] <guille_> im here again
[20:12:01 CET] <guille_> i need two filters
[20:12:05 CET] <guille_> drawtext and drawbox
[20:12:24 CET] <durandal_1707> fontconfig is installed?
[20:14:24 CET] <guille_> i dont know
[20:14:43 CET] <guille_> im follow this tutorial
[20:14:48 CET] <guille_> ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Centos
[20:16:22 CET] <kepstin> guille_: if you'd followed that guide, both of the filters you want would be available by default
[20:17:46 CET] <guille_> yes kepstin, but in theory the --enable-libfreetype add this filters, no?
[20:18:52 CET] <kepstin> yes, and that guide installs the freetype devel package, and includes the --enable-libfreetype option on configure
[20:22:06 CET] <guille_> but not
[20:24:10 CET] <guille_> but not active that filters
[20:24:11 CET] <guille_> ?
[20:24:44 CET] <furq> guille_: https://www.johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[20:28:38 CET] <guille_> this is a new version?
[20:32:22 CET] <furq> yes
[20:34:23 CET] <guille_> ok
[20:34:28 CET] <guille_> im trying install that
[20:34:33 CET] <guille_> wit wget, extract
[20:34:35 CET] <guille_> and no¿?
[20:34:37 CET] <guille_> now?
[20:34:38 CET] <guille_> ./ffmpeg?
[20:35:14 CET] <guille_> -bash: ./ffmpeg: Is a directory (error)
[20:39:19 CET] <llogan> navigate to the directory containing the executable and then run "./ffmpeg -i ...". or provide the full path the the file: "/path/to/ffmpeg -i ..." or place the file somewhere in your PATH
[20:43:35 CET] <_sajko> hi, i'm trying to create a mosaic stream over UDP which i can connect my VLC. FFMPEG starts, but i can't connect. This is what i'm running http://pastie.org/private/ym9ldhb7hjxz522twxexxa
[20:43:50 CET] <_sajko> might just be that i've missunderstood the workings of a udp output?
[20:44:25 CET] <_sajko> my inputs are 2 http:// ts streams
[20:45:37 CET] <llogan> i don't know about the networking, but you can use hstack instead of pad+overlay. and "-strict -2" isn't needed unless your ffmpeg is old.
[20:46:11 CET] <_sajko> ah well i ran into some issues when i tried using libx264 and internet said -strict -2 solved it... it just stuck around
[20:46:46 CET] <llogan> i can't recall any scenario where -stict -2 was ever needed for any use of libx264
[20:47:12 CET] <llogan> but for the native AAC encoder it used to be required
[20:47:39 CET] <_sajko> might have been that then...
[20:47:56 CET] <_sajko> i've tried so many different versions i can barely remember which did what :P
[20:49:22 CET] <guille_> @llogan in make that
[20:49:35 CET] <guille_> and now we have two versions
[20:50:29 CET] <furq> _sajko: that command works for me
[20:50:43 CET] <furq> you probably want to add -c:v libx264 or else -preset ultrafast doesn't do anything
[20:50:49 CET] <furq> the default encoder for mpegts is mpeg2video
[20:51:12 CET] <llogan> guille_: in make that you use version which want use you
[20:51:40 CET] <guille_> and now, how i said to system what version i prefer?
[20:52:02 CET] <furq> http://vpaste.net/N2nkG
[20:52:07 CET] <furq> i can connect to that stream with mpv
[20:52:31 CET] <llogan> guille_: it depends where you placed it and the order of directories in your PATH.
[20:52:46 CET] <furq> and it looks substantively the same as your command
[20:53:29 CET] <furq> assuming 10.x.x.x is your local ip
[20:53:48 CET] <guille_> llogan can i create a simbolik link like that ln -s /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg/ffprobe /usr/bin/ffprobe #for ffprobe?
[20:54:01 CET] <guille_> delete my old simbolic link and replace for that
[20:54:03 CET] <furq> don't put directories in /usr/local/bin
[20:54:17 CET] <furq> just put the binaries in there directly and remove any ffmpeg stuff in /usr/bin
[20:54:29 CET] <llogan> symbolic linking for such use is messy
[20:55:06 CET] <llogan> guille_: which distro?
[20:55:35 CET] <guille_> Centos 7
[21:00:09 CET] <guille_> I make one first instalation incomplete. And now, with yout link i can make a instalation with all filters that i need.
[21:00:10 CET] <guille_> But
[21:00:23 CET] <guille_> now, when i excecute ffmpeg comand in ssh
[21:00:40 CET] <guille_> show me the first instaltion (incomplete filters, instalation)
[21:00:50 CET] <guille_> sorry for my really bad english
[21:05:59 CET] <guille_> llogan
[21:06:03 CET] <guille_> you understand me?
[21:06:05 CET] <guille_> :D
[21:06:27 CET] <furq> guille_: run `whereis ffmpeg`
[21:06:50 CET] <furq> or `which ffmpeg`
[21:08:16 CET] <guille_> ffmpeg: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg. /usr/share/ffmpeg /root/bin/ffmpeg /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg.1.gz
[21:14:11 CET] <wuOz> hello, why can't I control ffplay with my keyboard during a ssh session?
[21:14:51 CET] <wuOz> + I use screen too
[21:16:43 CET] <_sajko> furq: is there something special when connecting vlc to the udp port? cause my vlc won't even show me an error msg
[21:16:52 CET] <llogan> guille_: why is there a period in "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg."? what does "which ffmpeg" show? which is the current user? root?
[21:19:11 CET] <furq> _sajko: i don't use vlc so i have no idea
[21:19:19 CET] <furq> `mpv` worked fine
[21:20:32 CET] <_sajko> hum... maybe it's just the player that's the issue then
[21:21:46 CET] <_sajko> ah well, another day... i kinda need it to be outputted to http stream so i guess i'll have to get ffserver up and running
[21:23:22 CET] <llogan> my condolances
[21:37:03 CET] <guille_> llogan yes, i excecute with root user in putty ssh conection
[21:38:19 CET] <guille_> "/root/bin/ffmpeg"   show: /root/bin/ffmpeg
[21:38:25 CET] <llogan> it appears you have a ffmpeg executable in /root/bin which probably takes priority over /usr/(local)/bin.
[21:38:52 CET] <llogan> is the one in /root/bin the old one you don't want?
[21:39:34 CET] <guille_> yes
[21:39:42 CET] <guille_> that is the first installation
[21:39:47 CET] <llogan> then delete it if you don't want it
[21:40:40 CET] <llogan> and also ffprobe too
[21:42:40 CET] <guille_> ok i delete that
[21:42:42 CET] <guille_> now
[21:42:46 CET] <guille_> -bash: ffmpeg: command not found
[21:42:49 CET] <guille_> xD
[21:44:51 CET] <llogan> run "hash -r"
[21:44:54 CET] <llogan> then try again
[21:46:13 CET] <guille_> nothing
[21:51:43 CET] <guille_> llogan thak you for you help
[21:51:48 CET] <guille_> i continue tomorrow xD
[21:51:52 CET] <llogan> guille_: is /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg a directory or an executable?
[21:51:54 CET] <guille_> that make me crazy
[21:52:09 CET] <guille_> directory
[21:52:36 CET] <llogan> like furq said, don't put a directory there. move the ffmpeg executable file there
[21:53:07 CET] <llogan> got to go
[23:36:51 CET] <markvandenborre> I'm doing ffmpeg -i ~/720p.mp4 -rs -c copy -f mpegts udp://
[23:37:16 CET] <markvandenborre> because I want to play it back from this multicast ip
[23:37:51 CET] <markvandenborre> that works fine to an extent, only ffmpeg pushes things into this multicast address too fast
[23:38:36 CET] <markvandenborre> how do I make sure that it pushes its stream into this multicast stream at normal playback speed?
[23:38:40 CET] <markvandenborre> any hints?
[23:38:45 CET] <furq> add -re before -i
[23:38:52 CET] <markvandenborre> thank you
[23:39:18 CET] <markvandenborre> does exactly what I want it to do
[23:39:21 CET] <markvandenborre> this really helps!
[23:39:28 CET] Action: markvandenborre looks it up
[23:41:14 CET] <c_14> What does -rs do?
[23:41:15 CET] <DHE> markvandenborre: depending on the version, you can specify ?bitrate=7000000 or whatever the bitrate is. you'll also want to use -muxrate to force CBR on the mpegts format though. that'll REALLY smoothen in out.
[23:41:18 CET] <c_14> I don't think I've ever seen that option.
[23:41:54 CET] <DHE> I don't see it in the help...
[23:43:01 CET] <c_14> There's a suboption of the colorbalance filter called "rs" but other than that...
[23:48:01 CET] <markvandenborre> DHE: c_14 : much appreciate your help
[23:48:13 CET] <markvandenborre> but the -re option does what it needs to do
[23:50:30 CET] <t4c0c4t> hello all, i'm having trouble getting h264_nvenc up and running, receiving the following error:  https://gist.github.com/smp/9aae1dc9c375cab5035db4e027850c38
[23:51:47 CET] <t4c0c4t> running cuda 7.5 and nvidia driver 352.99 (which is the suggested driver for that version of cuda)
[23:51:53 CET] <t4c0c4t> any thoughts?
[23:53:16 CET] <c_14> dlsym is failing
[23:53:29 CET] <c_14> Do you have the shared object files in your ldpath etc?
[23:57:21 CET] <c_14> It's loading the library correctly though, but not finding the symbol
[23:57:28 CET] <t4c0c4t> @c_14 sorry, i'm a bit of a noob when it comes to complication of C programs,  where might i check?
[23:57:38 CET] <kbarry> I am looking thru the documentation, and maybe I don't know what I am looking for.
[23:57:56 CET] <kbarry> I am trying to more or less "mute" any sounds that is above a certain frequency,
[23:58:02 CET] <c_14> locate libnvidia-encode.so.1 <- t4c0c4t
[23:58:15 CET] <c_14> kbarry: lowpass filter?
[23:58:18 CET] <kbarry> I see high/lowpass filters, bandreject, etc.  I
[23:58:41 CET] <kbarry> Hrm. I wasn't able to get that to do what i wanted. I think i just am a newb.
[23:58:50 CET] <kbarry> Let me share the syntax i used.
[23:59:16 CET] <kbarry> ffplay .\nora_jones_come_away_with_me.flac -af "lowpass=f=2000:width_type=h"
[23:59:35 CET] <kbarry> i get a ton of clipping/squeeling
[23:59:43 CET] <kbarry> I think I might be missing something else in the filter.
[00:00:00 CET] --- Tue Nov 15 2016

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