[FFmpeg-devel] GSOC 2011 politics

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sat Apr 30 04:10:19 CEST 2011

Hi Michael!

Risking to repeat myself: What did you expect?

Those who tried to steal FFmpeg, who consciously damaged the project in the most
severe way I can think of, who closed down most of the project's infrastructure,
who closed down a mailing list without announcement, who tried hard to make the
server move as difficult as possible, who spread lies ever since in basically
every single non-code mail, who lied when they said they will not accept
personal insult on any mailing lists, who do not care about user reports at all
- you expected them to act differently when it comes to money?

I am sorry, but I honestly couldn't imagine any different behaviour for a moment!

Carl Eugen

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