[FFmpeg-devel] GreenMetadata complexity metric access through high level API

Nicolas Derouineau nicolas.derouineau at vitec.com
Mon Nov 30 14:21:50 CET 2015


>you should look at avframesidedata

Actually the issue is that the green metadatadata are concerning the upcoming frame (They are used to predict the upcoming complexity).

The avframesidedata are concerning a frame which is already decoded (so it's not useful in the case of greenmetadata).

We made a proof of concept using a home made parsing function (replacing av_read_frame() by a custom one), but we are thinking about a more portable solution.

Research Engineer

T.  +33 1 46 73 06 06
E.  nicolas.derouineau at vitec.com
W. www.vitec.com

De : ffmpeg-devel-bounces at ffmpeg.org <ffmpeg-devel-bounces at ffmpeg.org> de la part de Vittorio Giovara <vittorio.giovara at gmail.com>
Envoyé : mercredi 1 juillet 2015 12:22
À : FFmpeg development discussions and patches
Cc : Didier Nicholson; Erwan Raffin; Nicolas Tizon; Yahia Benmoussa
Objet : Re: [FFmpeg-devel] GreenMetadata complexity metric access through high level API

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 11:08 AM, Nicolas Derouineau
<nicolas.derouineau at vitec.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> H264 GreenMetadata parsing is now supported in ffmpeg, but the informations are stored in the h264context, which is not available at a higher level.
> Is it possible to add a new field named "upcoming complexity metrics", which should be codec agnostic, either in the avcodeccontext struct or in the AVFrame struct ?

you should look at avframesidedata
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