[FFmpeg-devel] What is FFmpeg and what should it be

Vittorio Giovara vittorio.giovara at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 17:58:37 EEST 2023

On Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 2:39 PM Nicolas George <george at nsup.org> wrote:

> > No. You are taking for granted that SDR belongs in FFmpeg in the first
> place,
> > and that's exactly what people disagree with.
> And you are taking for granted that it does not belongs in FFmpeg.
> But what you refuse to realize is that it is only an opinion, shared by
> you and a few “people”, backed by zero actual arguments.
> As such, your opinion is worthy of very little consideration, a lot much
> less than the opposition opinion that is actually backed by the
> enthusiasm of users.

this is not the way to talk to a fellow developer with plenty of open
source contributions in this and many other repositories
you need to consider that not everybody has the energy or will to write
lengthy paragraphs that just reiterate the same points and do not move the
needle one way or another - in other words, your argument is not the
correct one just because it's the longest
and please try writing with more respect, the "people" (leaving air quotes
verbatim) you refer to is basically the entire community, versus you and

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