[FFmpeg-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Repeat vote: GA voters list updates

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Sat Nov 11 13:49:49 EET 2023

Le lauantaina 11. marraskuuta 2023, 13.15.37 EET Nicolas George a écrit :
> Rémi Denis-Courmont (12023-11-11):
> > 1) As far as was communicated, the total of alleged discrepancies in the
> > voter list could not affect the result. That makes the vote valid in my
> > book, and also in the legal or predecential standards in democracies: if
> > elections were overturned for every inconsequential irregularities, they
> > would practically never be valid.
> Except in democracies, it is not the same electoral commission that will
> both make the mistakes that can be suspected to be fraud and declare
> these mistakes are unimportant.

This is veering very off-topic and I think we should leave personal perceptions 
of country politics out of ffmpeg-devel.

With that said, I have been both a voting booth attendant and a vote counter 
in official country election. There are plenty of honest and inconsequential 
mistakes made, mostly by the voters, occasionally by the volunteers like 
myself. As for the willful violations, such as ballot stuffing or breaking in, 
they also do tend to take place at voting stations.

Point being, the mistakes are not typically made by the commission.

> I must say, my trust in some of the people running this thing is sinking
> rapidly.

I sympathetise with the feeling but we can't have it both ways: a remote 
system with automatically determined voting eligibility, and a transparent 
trustworthy verifiable system.

The alternative is that people have to go to FOSDEM or VDD to vote in person. 
I guess that Michael, you and a number of other voters would not want that...

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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