[FFmpeg-devel] SWS cleanup / SPI Funding Suggestion

Michael Niedermayer michael at niedermayer.cc
Fri Oct 13 22:19:34 EEST 2023

Hi everyone

I propose using 15k$ from SPI for funding sws cleanup work.
this is substantially less than what people belive this needs (see IRC logs from yesterday or so)
So it really is more a small price for a good deed and not proper payment.
This of course is only available to competent developers. (exact rules or how thats determined
would still need to be decided unless its a clear case)
Also the exact outcome and goal would need to be discussed by the community and whoever
does the work.
But some goals would probably be to make sws
* pleasent to work with
* similar speed or faster
* proper multithreading
* proper full colorspace convertion not ignoring gamma, primaries, ...
* clean / understandable modular design (maybe everything can be a "Filter" inside sws
  that get build into a chain)

Proper payment (50k$ maybe) would be too much in relation to what SPI has ATM (150k$)

Above all, this is just my oppinion, the actual SPI funding also would need to
be approved by the community. This can happen after a specific volunteer comes forth
or before, whichever way the community prefers.


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
-- Diogenes of Sinope
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