[FFmpeg-devel] SDR lib comments

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Fri Sep 29 11:34:07 EEST 2023

Le 29 septembre 2023 10:03:13 GMT+03:00, Nicolas George <george at nsup.org> a écrit :
>Well, I think this makes it obvious why I think people representing
>downstream projects should have very little influence on the future of

First, I don't *represent* any downstream. I just happen to be one of several maintainers of one such project. My current FFmpeg activities have little if anything to do with that downstream, and can and hopefully will be used by FFmpeg CLI as well as by other downstreams.

So if this was an attempt to discredit me, it's failed.

And then, as somebody who's been involved in OSS for over 20 years, including contributions to Linux, QEMU, FFmpeg, Wireshark and Debian, thousands of code reviews and tens of thousands of merged patches, I don't exactly care for your superiority complex. In my experience, what you claim as obvious (I'd call it the Lua approach to open-source development) would be considered obviously bad if not outright toxic behaviour in most projects and by most developers.

(And I am referring to the notion of ignoring or mostly ignoring downstream projects, not to you or any other person.)

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