[FFmpeg-user] sntsc

Mark Filipak markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 04:14:34 EET 2024

On 1/7/24 17:34, Andrew Randrianasulu wrote:
> Well, we (cinelerra-gg users/hackers/maintainers) run into aspect ratio
> issues too , and I tried to demistify it for myself ... only to run into
> much more complex explanation at
> https://lurkertech.com/lg/pixelaspect/

I'm sorry, I couldn't get past the first sentence: "Pixels in the graphics world are square."
They probably meant "dots" (aka "pels"). But I've read enough squirrely things in my time to know 
squirrely when I read it. My experience is that things that start squirrely get squirrelier.

Some video folks who are stuck in analog TV write about 704x480 and 704x576 and 10:11 SAR and 59:54 
SAR, and they talk about overscan. It's all nonsense. DVDs are not TV and never was. So, folks with 
analog TVs didn't see 720x480 because some of it got into the horizontal blanking. So what? There 
were no such SARs as 10:11 & 59:54. "59:54" isn't right even if 704 existed.

Some of those people who write those squirrely things, and more, write them into standards. It's all 
still nonsense. What is it that you want to know?

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