[MPlayer-dev-eng] Russian translations.

Diego Biurrun diego at biurrun.de
Thu Dec 12 03:06:43 CET 2002

lumag at qnc.ru writes:
 > Some weeks/months ago there was a russian translations of Mplayer DOCS.
 > Now they aren't in the repository. I'm interesting: is somebody 
 > maintaining/translating them now?

Nick Kurshev used to do the Russian translation.  It is unmaintained
now and has been removed from CVS.

 > If “Yes”, could I help? If “No”, could I try to update them (if such DOCS 
 > exists somewhere)? Or to write new ones?

Updating them is probably useless, the last revision is much more than
a year old.  Just start translating from scratch.  Once you have some
results send them here or to me privately, I will add them to CVS.  If
you are willing to become the Russian translation maintainer and keep
the translation up to date you can have CVS write access.


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