[MPlayer-dev-eng] [patch] improved searching for subtitles

Jindrich Makovicka makovick at kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz
Mon Feb 3 09:52:43 CET 2003


this patch replaces subreader.c:sub_filename with another version, which 
reads the movie and subtitle directories via opendir & readdir instead 
of blindly trying to open various files. The filenames are trimmed so 
it's capable of finding filenames which differ in character case or 
whitespace characters. It also adds a -subid option which specifies the 
string required after the movie name (eg. like Face.Off_CZ.srt) to 
prefer a specific subtitle language by default.

Is it post-0.90 or ok to commit now?


Jindrich Makovicka

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