[MPlayer-users] Re: divx4 problem, and skins problem...

Alexander Werth (gmx) alexander.werth at gmx.de
Fri Dec 7 17:07:56 CET 2001

Am Fre, 2001-12-07 um 15.24 schrieb Will:
> Would it be possible to use the win32 sorenson DLLs the same way mplayer uses 
> the M$ DirectShow codecs?  That would provide a way around Apple's 
> stubborness.
It seams like some versions of quicktime use indeed seperate libraries
for the codecs. So theoreticaly it should be possible. But in reality
there is no way to know about the way to do it, because unlike the
directshow or video for windows interface the apple interface is a trade
secret. It's the same as with real movies here. Just keep komplaining to
apple and the people offering just a sorenson file on their webpage.
Alexander Werth

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