[MPlayer-users] Circuit City DivX

Bradley Alexander storm at tux.org
Tue Jul 2 07:48:02 CEST 2002

I have a friend who bought a good number of Circuit City DivX DVDs. The
way the DivX worked, you could watch them for three days once activated.
He had a bunch that he did not get to watch before the company went
under and the 800 activation number went away.

I was trying to read the vobs, which are not in /video_ts are in a
directory called /zoom, along with a number of jar files. Any attempts
to manipulate the files leads to an Input/output error.

[root at ganges debian]# cp /cdrom/zoom/*vob .
cp: reading `/cdrom/zoom/bvts00_1.vob': Input/output error
cp: reading `/cdrom/zoom/bvts00_2.vob': Input/output error
cp: reading `/cdrom/zoom/bvts00_3.vob': Input/output error
cp: reading `/cdrom/zoom/bvts00_4.vob': Input/output error
cp: reading `/cdrom/zoom/bvts00_5.vob': Input/output error

I also tried using player and mencoder, and got the same I/O error.

Does anyone know of a way to access these vobs?

Bradley M. Alexander                |   storm [at] debian.org
Debian Developer, Security Engineer |   storm [at] tux.org
Debian/GNU Linux Developer          | Visit the 99th VFS website at:
MCO, 99th VFS 'Tuskegee Airmen'     |   http://99thvfs-ta.org
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					--Rules of the Air, #12

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