[MPlayer-users] Top 10 questions that pissoff Arpi

Rob Wallace rwallace at videotron.ca
Tue Jun 11 02:59:01 CEST 2002

Here it is ladies and gentlemen...
(this list is subject to change without notice)

Top 10 questions that pissoff Arpi

10- Why doesn't MPlayer work on Windows?

9 - I compiled MPlayer on my i686 and it crashes on my i586. Why?

8 - Where can I download RedHat RPMS?

7 - Why doesn't MPlayer read all QuckTime files?

6 - MPlayer is not playing any of my DVD movies. Why?

5 - I'm not using a recommended compiler and MPlayer will not compile. Why?

4 - How can I encode?

3 - How do I start the GUI?

2 - It doesn't work. Why?

And the number one question that will piss off Arpi.... (well maybe not)

1 - Why can't I use the RedHat compiler?


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