[MPlayer-users] Re: MPlayer-users digest, Vol 1 #1203 - 12 msgs
Gregg Leichtman
gsl1 at erols.com
Thu Jun 27 18:24:01 CEST 2002
On Wednesday 26 June 2002 10:59 am, mplayer-users-request at mplayerhq.hu wrote:
> Message: 12
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 16:55:27 +0200
> From: Dominik Mierzejewski <dominik at rangers.eu.org>
> To: mplayer-users at mplayerhq.hu
> Subject: Re: [MPlayer-users] Build failure: Cannot find vidix libs; How to
> specify their location? Reply-To: mplayer-users at mplayerhq.hu
> On Wednesday, 26 June 2002, Gregg Leichtman wrote:
> > [Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html]
> > Ok, I gave up on attempting to build using rpmbuild as suggested on the
> > dload page
> Don't give up, send me full build log and I'll try to fix it. It's strange,
> though, because vidix builds on my system, so please include the same
> system information as in regular bugreport.
Ok, I used the correct target for my system---i686---and rpmbuild worked
correctly. There was no complaint about not finding the vidix stuff.
The download page, from one of the mirrors:
indicates that the target should be "<your arch>". I mistook this for the OS
version (don't ask why). I do, however, think it would be helpful for future
installers if the page mentioned all of the various architectures that can be
used. If the page does already mention this, then I'm just being blind again.
Just my 2 cents.
I also was able to build using configure with --enable-gui and --prefix=/usr.
This solved some
of the linking problems. The font was found, but the default skin was not. I
had to create a link in my .mplayer directory to /usr/share/mplayer/Skin.
Also there is a file in the default skin bz2 package that does not appear to
be in the default skin rpm---skin---the definition file for the skin. To get
around this, I still had to copy the files from the bz2 package to
/usr/share/mplayer/Skin. Probably only needed to copy the missing "skin"
file, but I copied everything.
The contents of the skin file are:
[gsl at aragorn gsl]$ cat /usr/share/mplayer/Skin/default/skin
section = movieplayer
window = main
; x: | y:
; - 0: left | - 0: top
; - -1: center | - -1: center
; - -2: right | - -2: bottom
base = main, -2, -2
; 1. bitmap: pressed | x,y: position in window
; 2. bitmap: released | msg: name of system message
; 3. bitmap: disabled | sx,sy: size of button
button = exit, 334, 0, 20, 14, evExit
button = iconify, 313, 0, 20, 14, evIconify
button = prev, 40, 59, 14, 11, evPrev
button = next, 83, 59, 14, 11, evNext
button = play, 18, 59, 16, 10, evPlaySwitchToPause
button = pause, 19, 59, 16, 10, evPauseSwitchToPlay
button = stop, 5, 59, 12, 10, evStop
button = load, 115, 48, 30, 11, evLoad
button = subload, 156, 48, 30, 11, evLoadSubtitle
button = plb, 197, 48, 30, 11, evPlaylist
button = eqb, 238, 48, 30, 11, evEqualeaser
button = fsb, 279, 48, 30, 11, evFullScreen
button = back, 55, 59, 13, 11, evBackward10sec
button = forward, 69, 59, 13, 11, evForward10sec
button = about, 14, 4, 94, 14, evAbout
; hpotmeter=buttonbitmaps,sx,sy,phasebitmaps,phases,default
hpotmeter = pos, 14, 9, NULL, 100, 0, 117, 63, 187, 9, evSetMoviePosition
hpotmeter = pos, 14, 9, NULL, 100, 50, 310, 63, 42, 9, evSetBalance
; potmeter=phasebitmaps,phases,default value,x,y,sx,sy,msg
potmeter =volume, 51, 0, 311, 17, 40, 40, evSetVolume
; font=fontname,fontid
font = symbols, symbols
font = font, font
; dynamic label
; dlabel=x,y,sx,align,fontid,string ...
; align: 0: right 1: center 2: left
; str: $1 = hh:mm:ss
; $2 = mmmm:ss
; $3 = hh
; $4 = mm
; $5 = ss
; $6 = movie length, hh:mm:ss
; $7 = movie length, mmmm:ss
; $v = volume, xxx.xx%
; $V = volume, xxx.x
; $b = balance, xxx.xx%
; $B = balance, xxx.x
; $$ = draw $
; $a = audio type ( nosound: char n, mono: char m, stereo: char t,
etc )
; $t = track number
; $o = filename
; $f = filename with lower case
; $F = filename with upper case
; $T = stream type ( file: f, video cd: v, dvd: d, url: u ), if
; font contain needed symbol.
; $l = draw play symbol, if mplayer is playing movie and font
; contain playing symbol. ( char l )
; $s = draw stop symbol, if mplayer not playing movie and font
; contain stop symbol. ( char s )
; $e = draw pause symbol, if playing is paused and font contain
; pause symbol ( char e )
dlabel = 121, 10, 180, 1, font, "$t - $o [$1] "
dlabel = 40, 27, 62, 0, symbols, "$1"
dlabel = 25, 27, 9, 0, symbols, "$l"
dlabel = 25, 27, 9, 0, symbols, "$s"
dlabel = 25, 27, 9, 0, symbols, "$e"
; dlabel = 121, 25, 92, 1, font, "volume $v"
; dlabel = 210, 25, 99, 1, font, "balance $b"
dlabel = 275, 25, 25, 1, symbols, "$a"
dlabel = 117, 25, 50, 1, symbols, "$T"
; static label
; slabel=x,y,fontid,string ...
; slabel = 10, 10, symbols, "12345 - 67890"
; slabel = 120, 10, font, "Eyes on Me"
window = sub
; x: | y:
; - 0: left | - 0: top
; - -1: center | - -1: center
; - -2: right | - -2: bottom
base = sub,-1,-1
; background=r,g,b
; window background color, default is black
; only subwindow, and decimal numbers
background = 93,134,168
window = menu
; base=bitmap
base = menu
; selected=bitmap
selected = menus
; menu = x,y,width,height,msg
menu = 3, 6, 122, 14, evAbout
menu = 3, 28, 122, 14, evLoad
menu = 3, 43, 122, 14, evNone ; Add playlist
menu = 3, 60, 122, 14, evPlay
menu = 3, 84, 122, 14, evPlaylist
menu = 3, 100, 122, 14, evEqualeaser
menu = 3, 116, 122, 14, evSkinBrowser
menu = 3, 140, 122, 14, evPreferences
; menu = 3, 156, 122, 14, evNone
menu = 3, 180, 122, 14, evNormalSize
menu = 3, 196, 122, 14, evDoubleSize
menu = 3, 212, 122, 14, evFullScreen
menu = 3, 228, 122, 14, evIconify
menu = 3, 244, 122, 14, evExit
> > and went directly to configure after unpacking the source
> > tree. This worked and after a little fiddling with moving font and skin
> > files around I can now get the gui to come up. I discovered that the
> > rpm's for the fonts and the default skin put the files in the "wrong"
> > place at /usr/share/mplayer instead of /usr/local/share/mplayer.
> It's not the wrong place. It's the right place, if you
> ./configure --prefix=/usr
My mistake. You are correct. If I set the prefix directory, mplayer
does indeed look in /usr instead of /usr/local.
However, since the rpms expect mplayer to look in /usr/share instead of
/usr/local/share, wouldn't it be more convenient for installers and cause
fewer installer problems, if the default prefix for configure was /usr
instead of /usr/local?
> > Also, the rpm for the default skin failed to include the skin description
> > file.
> Which is?
> > The bz2 compressed file does include the description file.
> >
> >
> > It also would be helpful to note somewhere in the docs that one font
> > should be chosen and its corresponding files should be placed in the
> > font directory or that a link should be created to one font directory.
> My RPMs do just that, so there's no need to worry.
Gregg Leichtman, Ph.D.
215 822-1422
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