[MPlayer-users] Information about GUI architecture

HEISERER DANIEL Daniel.Heiserer at bmw.de
Thu Sep 19 18:57:01 CEST 2002

>The next simple little feature, would be to add two keypresses to
>mplayer for Mark-in and Mark-out , these could be written to a simple
>text file.  That would save me introducing errors when I write down
>times. (ideally the resulting file would be a list in-out pairs ).   Yes
>GUI's are nice, but personally, I can find a spot faster with the arrow
>keys in mplayer than I can with the slider-bar in a GUI. 

>With those little additions, I could write simple scripts to do the

>Yes, non-keyframe edits, and frame based cut-points  would be nice, but
>not essential, I just want to drop commercials to save space. I don't
>mind if I see one or two seconds of them. 


I absolutely mind. Mplayer is almost perfect in 
-compiling flawlessly
-supporting dozens of codecs for in and out
-realtime fast even for older systems
-probably a lot of other important cool stuff..... ;-)

An exact frame based cut cannot be THAT hard. Well frames might have
to been broken up and reencoded in the case of a frame-"{},{},{}"-based
So what?

Perfect movies require perfect cuts. I want to archive my videos on 
CD's or DVD's. In an archive is no space for ugly cuts.

I want to watch a movie not being disturbed by ugly scene cuts.
This not-frame based cutting is nothing but a cheap VHS video recorder
wasting my cpu-time and and preventing it from the search of
live ;-). 
Hey this is digital then lets make it exact.

thanks, daniel
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