[MPlayer-users] Matrox G400 DH

Massimo q-continuum at libero.it
Wed Aug 27 00:17:51 CEST 2003

I like have some hints for my matrox G400 DH.
I see the tv on secondary head but the cpu is used over 60-70%.
It's not very bad but I like have more cpu for other apps.

mplayer 0.90
xfree 4.2.1
kernel 2.4.21
cpu duron 1000

mplayer -tv on:driver=v4l:width=720:height=576:input=1:norm=PAL -vop
lavcdeint -vo x11

| Massimo ;-) | EMail: q-continuum at iol.it * ICQ: 37930285 |       (o_        |
|-------------> http://digilander.libero.it/MaQ           |  (o-  //\   -o)  |
|  BABYLON 5 -> http://digilander.libero.it/babylon5      |  (/)_ V_/_ _(\)  |
|  *TRIBOL*  -> http://digilander.libero.it/usstribolo    | POWERED BY LINUX |

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