[MPlayer-users] Achieving -endpos in mplayer

|TEcHNO| techno at punkt.pl
Sat Jan 11 16:24:24 CET 2003


is there a way to achieve "-endpos" in player?
I've been tryingto rip some audio using :
mplayer -ao pcm -vo null -ss 27:53 ./file.avi
But I cannot control where it ends, as -endpos is unavaible in mplayer 
the only option for me is to watch the movei w/o any sound, this can be 
a bit boring, and slow sometimes, any help?

Oh, the sound is in mp3 format, and while using -ss option it desn't 
skip to exacly where I want. Genraly Avi's fail to do so. ie. using -ss 
27:00 moves to 27:00 but using 27:01 moves to 27:01 while 27:02 moves to 
27:05 or somthing.

pozdrawiam     |"Help me master, I felt the burning twilight behind
techno at punkt.pl|those gates of stell..." -Perihelion, Prophecy Sequence

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