[MPlayer-users] mplayer baheves strange when reading from stdin?

Josef Wolf jw at raven.inka.de
Sun Jan 26 00:23:25 CET 2003


I had a MPEG stream split up in several pieces and tried to check
whether the split position did not loose any data. So I tried:

 cat stream* | dd bs=2048K skip=1020 | mplayer -

I tried this several times and every time the playback starts at a
different position. The difference is about +/-20min. The problem
_must_ be withhin mplayer because

 cat stream* | dd bs=2048K skip=1020 | od | less

displays the same content every time. How comes that mplayer starts
at different positions when the same input is given?

-- Josef Wolf -- jw at raven.inka.de --

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