(off topic) Re: [MPlayer-users] Equivalent of -endpos in mplayer?

Andres Heinloo andres at gfz-potsdam.de
Mon Feb 9 01:57:37 CET 2004

On Sun, 8 Feb 2004, Philip M. White wrote:

> I am trying to split a movie for a school project.  This movie contains
> nudity, and the only way we can watch it at school is if those parts are
> in some way removed.  Because I don't own video editing software, I
> decided to use mplayer to play the movie in clips.  For example, if the
> first nudity occurrence is 30 minutes into the movie and lasts 10
> seconds, I'd do:

> Could anyone tell me how I can split this movie (preferably using just
> mplayer) into segments specified in seconds?  Your help will make the
> movie /Nineteen Eighty-Four/ available to the masses!  Thank you.

Well, if you are showing it to students that are old enough to understand
the message, they've probably seen much more "nudity" than shown in this
film :-)

Isn't it ironic to censor 1984 :-)))


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