[MPlayer-users] two things

Matthew Bettencourt matt at mail.bettencourt.info
Mon Feb 16 18:33:35 CET 2004

First, there is a bug in mplayer in the latest cvs version.  If you 
compile without the USE_LIVAVCODEC define set you get an undefined 
symbol.  Here is a simple patch.

[freevo at localhost libmpcodecs]$ cvs diff -c vf.c
Index: vf.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/mplayer/main/libmpcodecs/vf.c,v
retrieving revision 1.102
diff -c -r1.102 vf.c
*** vf.c        6 Feb 2004 20:31:57 -0000       1.102
--- vf.c        16 Feb 2004 17:31:59 -0000
*** 86,92 ****
--- 86,94 ----
   extern vf_info_t vf_info_yuvcsp;
   extern vf_info_t vf_info_kerndeint;
   extern vf_info_t vf_info_rgbtest;
   extern vf_info_t vf_info_qp;
+ #endif

   // list of available filters:
   static vf_info_t* filter_list[]={
*** 164,170 ****
--- 166,174 ----
+ #endif

Now, for my question.  When I am trying to encode a movie I get a lot of

Pos:   3.1s     81f ( 0%)  43fps Trem:  15min   1mb  A-V:0.024 [0:0]
Too many video packets in the buffer: (4096 in 8270741 bytes).
Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?
For AVI files, try to force non-interleaved mode with the -ni option.

error messages and the audio is trashed.  I can encode the video just 
fine, it is only the audio that is messed up.  I have looked around and 
I don't seem to find anything that helps this out.   I am using the 
3-pass encoding as in the docs.  Here is the command I am using.  I have 
tried the -ni flag w/o luck. Any ideas?

[freevo at localhost libmpcodecs]$ ./mencoder dvd://4 -ovc frameno -oac 
mp3lame -lameopts vbr=3 -o frameno.avi

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