[MPlayer-users] listening webradio causing drop-outs

Andre Tschischka tschischka at web.de
Tue Apr 25 13:59:03 CEST 2006


I'm using the following command to listen to webradio stations:

mplayer -ao alsa:device=spdif -channels 6 -af sub=60:5,surround=100,resample=44100:1:2 -srate 44100 -cache 512 -msglevel all=6 -vo null -autosync 0 'http://www.live365.com/play/305132?SaneID='

- I'm using the spdif of my soundcard (there is no other option) that demands an frequence of 44100 Hz. So I have to resample the stream because the station is sending on 20500Hz.

- The problem: At first it goes well but after one or two minutes I get drop-outs spaced by nearly one second.
   Hearing mp3 files from a network storage goes very well.

- I tried several cache configurations but nothing solved the problem. 

- The System:
  * VIA EPIA MS-10000E
  * 512 Mb RAM
  * gentoo Linux kernel 2.6.15
  * connect via wireless card (WEP) to an DSL Router

Any suggestions?

Many Thanks.

André Tschischka

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