[MPlayer-users] Question about syncing a/v during playback of VDR recordings.

VDR User user.vdr at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 16:55:49 CET 2006

When you record a tv show, the saved data is typically called a
"recording".  So hence a "recording" in this case is an mpeg file saved on
harddisk that contains content from a tv broadcast.  When you want to view
that "recording", you do so by 'playing it back', or "playback".  You
"playback" the "recording".  I guess I could have worded it differently but
honestly, common sense should have stopped any confusion.

Now, ...Mplayer & VDR don't have anything to do with each other, which is
obvious.  However, they both can "playback" a VDR "recording" (ie: take a tv
show recorded within VDR and play the resulting file)...  When VDR does it,
the a/v becomes desynced (happens a lot when the video fades to black).
When mplayer does it, the a/v sync stays in tact.  Therefore, mplayer is
doing something that preserves the a/v sync, whether it's intentional or
not, and VDR isn't.

I asked a couple specific questions and included some quotes from other
posts to provide an idea of what we're looking at as the cause.  I can't
tell you what the exact problem is because we're still trying to figure that
out...  And a good place to start is by comparing the differences between
the software that has the problem and software that doesn't.  We're trying
to figure out what mplayer does, if anything, with regards to repacking, the
pes layer, pcr data, etc. during the "playback" of a VDR "recording".

Although your reply seemed to be a little patronizing, I thank for you it
none-the-less.  If there is specific information that would be helpful then
please just ask for it.


On 11/3/06, RC <rcooley at spamcop.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Nov 2006 09:55:36 -0800
> "VDR User" <user.vdr at gmail.com> wrote:
> > we're trying to resolve a long-time issue VDR has with a/v sync during
> > recording playback.   To get straight to the point, what happens to
> > the recording during playback?
> "recording" or "playback"? Pick one.  I certainly don't know what
> mplayer has got to do with VDR.
> You haven't given the slightest info about your specific problem,
> either, except that it's something to do with sync... somewhere.
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