[MPlayer-users] My question of the hour, does anyone know source inside out?

RC cooleyr at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 04:26:55 CET 2007

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 16:39:39 -0500
The Wanderer <inverseparadox at comcast.net> wrote:

> However, it sounds like you are seeing a 'DOS window' (command
> prompt) opened when MPlayer launches, and you are asking for that
> window to not be closed when MPlayer exits; if this is the case, then
> I suspect you need to investigate the options of the program which is
> behind that window, since MPlayer is not creating that window and so
> cannot affect its disappearance.

Windows doesn't work that way...  When a program outputs text on the
"console" a CMD.exe prompt is automatically spawned, and exits when the
program does.  You can't change that behavior.  -idle will probably
work well enough...

If you wanted to, however, you could launch MPlayer from a batch file
with "pause" after mplayer, so the dos prompt will stay open until you
hit Enter.  Or perhaps invoke cmd.exe directly, with mplayer.exe "%1"
as an arguement.  

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