[MPlayer-users] Play a File, Repeat to Start, Pause

J. Adam Craig adamcraig at peacefulassembly.org
Sat May 17 19:03:22 CEST 2008

Hello all!

As an MPlayer newbie, I hope you will pardon my ignorance and assist me 
in addressing a current dilemma.  My workplace, Pamplin Historical Park, 
has for several years been showing a film using the Kaffeine media 
player, which has worked well.  However, I am now persuaded that MPlayer 
would serve as a more satisfactory option, and so was hoping to migrate 
to it.

I would like to be able to configure the following, either in the 
command line or through slave mode, but am unsure of how to do so.

1.  Call and play the file wst.mov in fullscreen mode - something like 
"mplayer -fs wst.mov" to start with
2.  After a complete play through, I would like MPlayer to "repeat" to 
the start of the file and pause
3.  To show the film again, all a museum staff member would have to do 
would be to press the spacebar to begin another showing, after which, 
MPlayer would again return to and pause at the start of wst.mov
4.  Because the film would be shown on a projector, I would prefer it if 
the player would never have to exit fullscreen mode.

I realise this is probably alot easier that I am imagining, and I 
eagerly await your response.  Further, if there is a simpler approach to 
achieving the same ends as above, I am certainly open to all suggestions.

Thanks and make it be a great day!
- Adam

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