[MPlayer-users] DVD ripped VOBs report only :31 length with lavf demuxer

Steve Dibb beandog at gentoo.org
Mon Jul 12 06:50:06 CEST 2010

Hey guys, I stumbled on this bug, after ripping a DVD using vobcopy -l 
-n <track>, on a few sources I'm noticing a similar bug ... using LAVF 
demuxer, it will report the video length as 31 seconds.  Without the 
LAVF demuxer, it works just fine.

I'm running mplayer revision 31721.  I'm not sure how long the bug has 
been around, but it's at least since 2010-06-12 since that's my other 
snapshot I'm running.

I've got a sample I'm uploading to incoming, but using dd to create a 5 
MB chunk of it, I can't reproduce it.  However, it does have two of the 
same errors I get while both playing and seeking:

[mpeg2video @ 0xb71660]warning: first frame is no keyframe
[ac3 @ 0xb71660]frame sync error
[ac3 @ 0xb71660]incomplete frame

I've uploaded a sample to incoming, including the verbose log output:


Lemme know if you guys need anything else .. I have a few more samples 
that do the same thing, even some that are ripped using MPlayer and not 
vobcopy, and I just picked one that seemed most reasonable.



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