[MPlayer-users] First few seconds of movie are skipped when movie loops

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at gmx.de
Mon Aug 26 21:25:37 CEST 2013

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 07:50:10PM +0200, Marcin Gałczyński wrote:
> Hello,
> Greetings fellow mplayer users!
> I use the following command line to start mplayer in endless loop
> mode to play a movie:
> mplayer -vo xv -quiet -framedrop -fixed-vo -nolirc -nomouseinput
> -nosub -noautosub -osd-duration 0 -osdlevel 0 -slave -nosound
> -noconsolecontrols -input file=/tmp/mpfc1 movie-file.mp4 -loop 0
> >../logs/movieplayer.log 2>&1
> What happends is that the first full playback of the movie is
> correct and then all next playbacks of the same movie in the loop
> are missing first few seconds of the movie. The missing part is of
> constant length, not sure about precise number, but it seems like
> the gap is few seconds long.
> Is this the movie, the way i call mplayer, or maybe a mplayer bug -
> then i can file it in? Any meaningful comments appreciated, thanks!

It can be any of these.
> MPlayer SVN-r35234-4.7.2 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
This is ancient, from October 2012.
So most likely it is the bug I fixed since then.
Though it could be yet another bug.
Or it could be a broken file that incorrectly does not
mark the first frame as a key frame.
Lastly, it is kind of an issue with your command-line.
Putting the -loop 0 before the file name will avoid it,
though it might behave a bit less smooth.

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