[MPlayer-users] the image/movie flickers

rcooley rcooley at spamcop.net
Thu Aug 5 07:07:58 CEST 2004

On Wed, 4 Aug 2004 23:10:34 +0300
RIP Nix <rip_nix at k-security.de>(by way of RIP <rip at k-security.de>)

> i have installed mplayer-gui on my system [AMD-k6 400Mhz, 125MBram, S3
> Trio3d 4MB... Redhat 7.3], 

That's a low-end system you have there.  Are you sure you aren't just
trying to play a movie that needs more power than that system has?  No
doubt you'll get better performance if you download the source code and
compile it yourself.

In any case, since you don't get the "too slow" message with -ao null,
you should try "-ao sdl", as well as the other things it tells you to do
in the message.

> but the image still flickers

If you search for "flicker" in the manual, you'll find the option
"-double".  Adding that to your command-line could very well take care
of your video problem.

If it doesn't, it may just be that your video-card is too low-end.
 Try, perhaps, reducing the screen resolution, color depth, etc.

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