[MPlayer-users] RTP stream test

Alessandro Marino a_marino at libero.it
Sat Mar 27 15:58:31 CET 2004

I use the program testMPEG1or2VideoStreamer provided with liveMEDIA library to stream a test video over rtp.
I compiled MPlayer with liveMEDIA support, I use it with the following command:

mplayer rtp://

With Ethereal I can see that rtp packets are sent from (port 8888) to (port 8888) but MPlayer gives me this output:

Playing rtp://
Unable to open URL: rtp://
Option stream url: This URL doesn't have a port part.
Option stream url: This URL doesn't have a hostname part.
[file] No filename
Failed to open rtp://

Exiting... (End of file)

How can I view the stream video?

Alessandro Marino

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